Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Did Jesus Come?

Paul Anderson-Walsh makes the following corrective statements in his book The Bonsai Conspiracy:

"We tend to see just one side of the Gospel, viz., Jesus died for my sins.

"However, there is another side, viz., Jesus rose for my life.

"Most of us understand how grace relates to the unbeliever but we have totally failed to see how it relates to the believer and consequently, we burnout.

"'For if while were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by His life' (Rom. 5:10).

"Because of the Cross, we will never be called to account for our sins because we are justified. This is mercy. Because of the resurrection, we have received His Zoe Life. This we call grace. The Good News of the Gospel is not just that Christ came to die for us but that He came to live in us.

"Christ did not come just to get us out of hell and into heaven; He came also to get Himself out of heaven and into us. Jesus did not come merely to forgive our sins. The purpose of His death was to clear the way for Him to give us His Zoe Life. Thus, the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal Zoe [Rom. 6:23].

"There is nothing of greater importance in the human experience than the profound truth that Christ lives in us [Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20]. Misunderstanding this spiritual truth enslaves Christians to the impossible task of trying to live the Christian life."

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