Wednesday, February 16, 2022

God Destroys the False to Make Room for the Real

 The following is from Knight of Faith, Volume II, a collection of Norman Grubb's personal correspondence. This is what he replied in 1980, with the insight of a former foreign missionary, to one writer who corresponded with him:

"You evidently saw distressing things in Mexico, but you and I know that it is always GOD using Satan to prepare people to receive the Gospel.  He often has to destroy false nominal forms of 'Christianity' to make room for the real.

"There are far more real believers in Russia today than in the days of the Czars and Russian Orthodox.  The same with Communism and the Roman Church, and as you say, there are so many hungry seekers in Mexico.

"And look at Afghanistan.  Not a whisper of a Christian witness was allowed in that tight Moslem stronghold.  Now it is being broken up by Russia, and many Afghans are finding Christ.

"And we are all hearing of the wonderful workings of the Spirit in China to-day, and the same with many coming to Christ out of the oppressive Khomeini regime in Iran. 

"So the devil is always God's convenient agent!  Praise! 

"I don't see evil except as the negative background to condition men to seek God.  It's marvellously true all over the world today--including this country!

"And where there is persecution, that is also glory isn't it then, as the persecuted see it as the way God reveals His love for His enemies by their response."


1 comment:

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