Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Most Terrifying Thing to the Adversary: Being in Christ

The following is from T. Austin-Sparks' series of addresses transcribed and published as the excellent book The Horizon of Christ:

"Now, that is perhaps the most glorious truth that ever a mortal could know. That ought to be the most glorious thing which you and I know: 'In Christ,' as sons of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, with all that is bound up with that from eternity to eternity.

"That union is the most terrifying thing to the adversary. That is the most disconcerting thing to the adversary. There is nothing of which he is more afraid of and in terror of than that affinity. There is nothing that arouses his ire more than that connection with the Father and the Son.  Satan sees his final undoing in that relationship sealed by the Holy Spirit with the Father, of the Son and the many sons whom He is going to bring to glory.  Satan sees in that relationship the final undoing of all his works at the beginning and through the ages. In that union it is all undone.

"If that goes on, then hopelessness, futility, frustration is written large over all that Satan's done before the world was, in heaven and in earth, and after creation what he has been doing through the ages, and is doing now.  ALL IS UNDONE!  If this relationship between the Son of Man and the Father becomes the relationship between a whole redeemed race and God, on the basis of sonship through the Eternal Spirit then Satan knows all is undone.  No wonder there is conflict on this ground. Now it is good to be able to pinpoint and put your finger upon the meaning of things."

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